We’re building a safer financial system for billions of people

We blend blockchain data with advanced analytics to help financial institutions and governments fight fraud, money laundering, and financial crime.

We believe cryptocurrency will democratize financial services for the world.

This will lead to both greater access to existing financial services and a Cambrian explosion of new financial products.

The result will be a more open, efficient, and interconnected global financial system.

This will benefit people around the world — from an unbanked migrant worker in the US, to a shop owner in Venezuela, to a teenager in Japan who starts saving with in-game digital assets.

Crypto will also introduce new global risks.

The same properties that make it a force for good – decentralized, programmable, and having instantaneous value transfer — can also make it susceptible to financial crime and fraud, which can harm our financial system at unprecedented speed and scale.

Crypto's promise is too valuable to leave the risks unchecked.

We need ambitious new solutions that achieve our simultaneous objectives for financial inclusion, privacy, and safety. These are the solutions we strive to build.

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