Proactively detect suspicious activity with advanced blockchain pattern recognition

Signatures find the needle in the haystack
Powered by advanced machine learning, Signatures automatically uncover suspicious patterns across multiple transactions that might otherwise go unnoticed—giving you confidence that no investigative angle is left unconsidered.
How Signatures can help you

Detect obfuscation techniques
Identify and trace complex transactions, even across chains and through mixers, to overcome systemic money laundering activities

Accelerate investigations
Uncover patterns and associations between cryptocurrency addresses that would not otherwise be apparent, increasing your understanding of who did what and how

Enhance customer due diligence
Better understand and manage customer relationships and risks by identifying obfuscation patterns when analyzing sources of wealth

Ensure regulatory compliance
Accelerate identifying suspicious activity and map criminal networks exploiting your institution, resulting in high-quality SARs and improved control designs

Detect tax evasion
Uncover unreported wealth and elaborate tax evasion schemes, ensuring fair and effective tax administration

Conduct comprehensive wealth analysis
Paint a more complete picture of an individual or entity's wealth, assisting in accurate tax assessments and investigations
Why hundreds of organizations choose TRM Labs
TRM’s products are powered by the TRM Intelligence Graph